More ?nd more people ?r? interested in building a n?w home rath?r than buying a fixer-upper th?t ?ould t?ke years ?nd thousands u??n thousands ?f additional costs t? complete. When ?ou build new, ??u?ll h?v? the luxury ?f a comfortable living space th?t will SAVE ??u thousands ?f dollars through the years b? reducing th? waste of energy.
Below ?re 5 Reasons t? Build a New Home
New Heating ?nd Cooling System
When you build a new home ??u?ll get ?top ?f the line? Heating ?nd Cooling equipment t? make sure ?ou ?an k??p y?ur house comfortable whil? thes? ENERGY STAR rated products u?e and waste far l?s? energy. These n?w HVAC systems c?n s?m?t?m?? pay for thems?lv?s w?thin the first few years.
New Appliances
Once again, l?ok for th?t ENERGY STAR appliances ?u?h as ? refrigerator, stove, microwave, dishwasher, lighting fixtures, fans, etc. These new appliances use l??? energy ?nd will l?st A LOT longer than ?our ?ld stuff. If ??u find th? right home building company, th?y w?ll include appliances with?n the?r ?ver?ll bid so y?u?ll b? able t? s?e th? savings.
New Windows
Windows ?re on? of the major problem areas when ?t ??m?s to wasting energy. Older windows w?ll send ?our dollars ?flying out th? window? ??n?e th?y ar? n?t u?u?ll? ?air tight? l?k? n?w windows would be. ENERGY STAR windows c?n als? ?ll?w less sunlight t? shine thr?ugh on the hot summer days, whil? keeping ??ur warm air inside dur?ng th? cold winter days.
Properly Sealed Air Ducts
Air Ducts are wh?re you?ll lose th? mo?t money. 15-20% of air ?? lost through cracked ?nd leaking air duct systems. These crack ?nd leaks ??n ?lso bring unwelcome moisture and dust w?th?n y?ur home. With ? newly built home ?nd a newly built air duct system ?ou w?ll save a significant amount ?f money thr?ugh th? years. We ar? all looking to lessen ?ur carbon footprints in th?s world ?f high energy costs anyways, ?? wh? n?t build n?w ?nd start living Green.
New Insulation
With building ? n?w home come? newly installed insulation. Insulation ??n slide and b???m? l??? effective through the years. With n?w insulation installed ?nd installed properly, ??u?ll b? able t? control the climate ?f y?ur home ?nd save A LOT of money with no problem at all.
The m?re economical choice r?ally would be to build a n?w home r?th?r than buying ?nd fixing u? ?n older home. You?ll b? able t? save energy and save money by building a brand new energy efficient home. When looking f?r ?our dream home, why n?t build new, customize it ?u?t th? wa? ?ou w?nt it, ?nd enjoy ? climate controlled environment that will ?ll?w your dollars t? start working for you.. ?nst?ad ?f ?lw?y? working against you. With all th? ?fixer-upper? projects your ??uld potentially run ?nt? if ?ou buy an older house, it?s worth the extra up front money t? ?ust build a brand new home.
If y?u?re c?n??d?r?ng building a new home, I recommend th?t ??u l?ok t? Advanced Systems Homes ?? Your Hassle Free Home Building Company for over 40 years!
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