?Some Right-Wing Gloating About It? : The Other McCain
Kind of complicated, really. Anyway, Tammy suspected Melissa of cheating, there was some legal wrangling, and eventually Melissa agreed to pay $23,000 a month. When Tammy complained this wasn?t enough, it blew up in the gossip blogs a couple weeks ago.
Guess what? Tammy?s got a blog. Kind of annoyingly poetic and emotionally moody, but a blog nonetheless. In one of her posts, Tammy pointed out that she actually had a pretty hot career as an actress, making good money, before she met Melissa Etheridge. In another post, Tammy seemed to reference being ?smeared? as a ?gold-digger? by a ?publicity machine.?
You see how this game is played, right? Melissa?s got the money, and Tammy is dependent on those payments. And if Tammy complains at all, the ?publicity machine? goes into motion to make Tammy look like a pathetic whiner.?Is that?fair??
Tammy gave up?what might?otherwise have been the prime years of her career as a young actress to become ?Mrs. Etheridge,? and now she seems to have been discarded by the woman with whom she shared nine years, two kids and a cancer scare.
Tammy might have been better off if she?d gotten married to an abusive cokehead misogynistic?a?hole like Charlie Sheen, because if Charlie treated her like crap after their divorce, Tammy would get?all the sympathy and Charlie would get none.
Nah.? Anyway, they?re not arguing over sympathy, they?re arguing over money and custody ? just like 99% of straight divorcees do.
It?s a neutral, object fact that, in California, domestic partnership provides nerly the same legal duties and protections as does marriage, especially when it comes to division of assets, child support, and alimony. Which is why Missy Etheridge ended up forking over $23,000 a month. It?s also a neutral, objective fact that Ethridge and Tammy Michaels legally entered into a domestic partnership relationship in 2005.
As far as the political slant, how could it not be there, given that the legality of gay relationships in the form of marriage and domestic partnerships is such a political flash point nearly everywhere, and especially so in California?
As to Sheen, if he wants to legally marry a (female) hooker, he can.? The same is not the case for Melissa and Tammy marrying each other.? Not in California, at least.? And that?s the politics of the thing.
I am a small-l libertarian with conservative leanings on most issues, except on many traditionally conservative social issues, where my stance would be regarded as hopelessly liberal by most social conservatives. My primary concern is to increase individual liberty as much as possible in the face of statist efforts to restrict it from both the right and the left. If I had to sum up my beliefs as concisely as possible, I would say, "Stay out of my wallet and my bedroom," "your liberty stops at my nose," and "don't tread on me." I will believe that things are taking a turn for the better in America when married gays are able to, and do, maintain large arsenals of automatic weapons, and tax collectors are, and do, not.latkes how to make it in america how to make it in america schweddy balls
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